Our Mission and Vision

Tomlinson 4 LLC stands at the intersection of quality, affordability, and community-driven property management. We are dedicated to providing more than just housing—we create environments where people feel truly at home. Our focus on delivering well-maintained, comfortable living spaces is matched by our commitment to fostering a sense of belonging and mutual respect among all our residents. What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to our core values. We go beyond simply managing properties; we build communities. From sustainable practices to responsive customer service, every decision we make is rooted in our desire to improve the lives of those who choose to call our properties home. We listen to our residents, understand their needs, and continuously work to enhance their living experiences. As we look toward the future, Tomlinson 4 LLC is poised for continued growth and innovation. We are expanding our portfolio of residential properties while staying true to our mission of providing affordable housing that nurtures a thriving, inclusive community.

Helpful Resources

  • Emergency programs

    When Hennepin County residents are in a financial crisis that poses a direct threat to their physical health or safety, the county may be able to help by providing short-term aid.

    Services may include:

    • Emergency temporary shelter

    • Housing costs like rent payments, damage deposits, home repairs and utility bills

    • Foreclosure prevention, moving expenses and transportation to relocate

    • Extra food support for people on special diets

    Learn more at: www.hennepin.us

  • Housing Services & Support

    Contact us

    Ramsey County works with a variety of local agencies to provide resources for people who are experiencing homelessness, at risk of becoming homeless or need emergency assistance to stay in their homes.

    Learn more at: www.ramseycounty.us

  • Supportive housing combines quality affordable housing with voluntary, but extensive, support services designed to help individuals with higher barriers to access and maintain housing.

    Barriers can include mental health, substance abuse disorder, a criminal background, or history of homelessness. 

    Learn more at: https://commonbond.org/

  • Homeless Resources and Housing Information

    People who experience homelessness deserve access to services to assist them in becoming stably housed, as well as assist them with accessing other resources to meet their basic needs.  For help, call the Homeless Outreach Services Team at 651-430-6488.

    Learn more at: www.washingtoncountymn.gov

  • Energy & Utilities

    The Department of Commerce administers programs to help Minnesotans save money and save energy, get assistance paying their utility bills and transition to renewable energy.

    Learn more at: https://mn.gov/commerce/energy/

  • WHO WE ARE NAMI Minnesota (National Alliance on Mental Illness) is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of children and adults with mental illnesses and their families. For over 40 years, NAMI Minnesota has worked to promote the development of community mental health programs and services, change public attitudes about mental illnesses, improve access to services and increase opportunities for recovery. 1919 University Ave W, Saint Paul, MN 55104 Phone (651) 645-2948 Toll free 1-888-626-4435 https://namimn.org/about-nami-minnesota/